Brian Van Buren’s life has been filled with thrilling adventures. In the late 1980s, he met Princess Diana at one of her pet projects, the London Lighthouse AIDS Clinic, while caring for his late husband (who died before Van Buren’s diagnosis); during his 22-year tenure as a flight attendant for United Airlines, he visited 57 countries; he twice appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show, as a survivor of … [Read more...] about An Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Diagnosis Is Met With Resilience
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How Being a Cancer Survivor Helps Me Cope With Coronavirus Fears
When you’re diagnosed with cancer, one of the worst things about it, aside from the obvious countless physical ramifications, is the emotional upheaval it causes. The raw feelings of vulnerability. The absolute terror of knowing that your body has betrayed you. The desire to close yourself off, make yourself as small as possible and hide inside an impenetrable antiseptic bubble of safety. Read … [Read more...] about How Being a Cancer Survivor Helps Me Cope With Coronavirus Fears
Menopause in the Workplace: How Women Can Cope
Each day, an estimated 6,000 women reach menopause. It begins with a significant transition around age 45 called perimenopause, which can last upwards of 14 years. And with a growing number of women 45+ in today’s labor markets, that translates to possibly millions of symptomatic women struggling in their working environment. Up to 75% of them have troublesome vasomotor symptoms, according to … [Read more...] about Menopause in the Workplace: How Women Can Cope
Why So Many Doctors Fail Women With Menopause Care
For me and scores of other women, rarely are we questioned about symptoms of menopause, which can be severe for some and last as long as 11 years. Hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, sleep problems and weight gain are common, yet many physicians are not asking, and many women are not telling — too embarrassed or uncomfortable to bring it up. Read more on doctors and … [Read more...] about Why So Many Doctors Fail Women With Menopause Care
Don’t Miss These Signs of Ovarian Cancer
“I should have paid more attention when a well-meaning woman asked me when I was due — but instead, I just got angry,” the 59-year-old said. “It didn’t even occur to me to see the doctor.” Lewis, a Schenectady, N.Y., science writer with a Ph.D. in human genetics, finally made an appointment to see her gynecologist when her best friend remarked on the noticeable change in her girth. “When the … [Read more...] about Don’t Miss These Signs of Ovarian Cancer
Is It Becoming Less Taboo to Talk About Menopause?
Why are women so hesitant to seek treatment for their menopause symptoms, which many admit to causing a major disruption in their physical and emotional lives? Many of the women who seek treatment remain dissatisfied and left feeling that they’ve not received adequate or quality care or education, according to the 2018 AARP magazine article, “What Doctors Don’t Know About Menopause.” Women are … [Read more...] about Is It Becoming Less Taboo to Talk About Menopause?
What Women Can Do About Losing Their Hair
Bruce Willis, Patrick Stewart, Yul Brynner: Bald, yes. Sexy, for sure. Even though many men might prefer to get a mens hair transplant in their balding days, many also embrace it. But what about for women? It's commonly more accepted - and expected - that men lose their hair. But when women begin to lose theirs, the psychological damage can be just as devastating as any serious disease, taking … [Read more...] about What Women Can Do About Losing Their Hair
The Best Treatments for Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is unrelenting. It persists when it should not and lasts longer than three to six months - well beyond the expected or the tolerable. "As we age, there is an increased frequency, severity and incidence of pain," says Dr. Lynn R. Webster, author of The Painful Truth: What Chronic Pain Is Really Like and Why It Matters to Each of Us. When you consider that 50 percent of older adults … [Read more...] about The Best Treatments for Chronic Pain
How Low Should Your Blood Pressure Be?
New study shows fewer heart attacks and deaths in those with lower BP. Read the full article on … [Read more...] about How Low Should Your Blood Pressure Be?
9 Ways to Help a Friend With Cancer
No matter if you know the person intimately or they’re a passing acquaintance, it can be challenging to know how to handle the situation. Even I, a breast cancer survivor, have to pause and consider what to do and what to say to another to convey understanding and support. But I can tell you this: everyone faced with a cancer diagnosis — and 39.6 percent of Americans will be at some time in … [Read more...] about 9 Ways to Help a Friend With Cancer