In addition to symptoms of the more traditional eye ailments—cataracts, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration—here are some eye health warning signs on your eye doctor’s radar. Read about eyes as health indicators on … [Read more...] about The Eyes Have It! 8 Things Your Eyes Can Reveal About Your Overall Health
Here Are 7 Ways to Protect Your Heart During the Pandemic
The coronavirus has taught us the importance of stocking up on toilet paper, but it’s also been a wake-up call to take better care of our health. Since people with existing medical conditions—among them heart disease—are at higher risk for severe symptoms from COVID-19, now is a critical time to pay attention to your heart health, says Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Heba Wassif, M.D. Here are … [Read more...] about Here Are 7 Ways to Protect Your Heart During the Pandemic
Protect Your Peepers! Expert Tips to Help Protect Your Eyes from Blue Light
It’s hard to avoid technology, with TVs, tablets, computers and mobile phones playing such a big part of our everyday lives—especially during quarantine. American adults spend almost half of each day interacting with screens, with those 60 and older devoting an extra half hour each day compared to 10 years ago. But are these blue-light-emitting devices wrecking our health? Read the full article … [Read more...] about Protect Your Peepers! Expert Tips to Help Protect Your Eyes from Blue Light
‘Life Is Full of Uncertainties’! Survivors of Cancer, Coronavirus and Stroke Share Their Stories
As both a long-time cancer survivor and, more recently, a COVID-19 survivor, I know firsthand how a medical issue can surprise and test you, physically and mentally. “Life is full of uncertainties; it’s not until they descend upon us that we know how resilient we are,” says Cleveland Clinic psychologist Scott Bea, Psy.D. It’s natural for survivors to feel both vulnerability and mastery, he … [Read more...] about ‘Life Is Full of Uncertainties’! Survivors of Cancer, Coronavirus and Stroke Share Their Stories
7 Foods You Should Eat to Keep Your Eyes Healthy
Did you roll your eyes when your mother insisted you “eat your carrots for good eyesight”? Turns out, she was right. Carrots are rich in beta carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A, an essential nutrient for overall eye health. In fact, there’s new proof to support the “your eyes are what you eat” argument: A landmark study by the National Eye Institute revealed a link between nutrition … [Read more...] about 7 Foods You Should Eat to Keep Your Eyes Healthy
Are You at Risk for Any of These 5 Sight-Robbing Eye Conditions?
Many Americans fear losing their sight more than they fear cancer, stroke or heart disease. And many don’t know the symptoms of major eye conditions and diseases, says Aleksandra Rachitskaya, M.D., vitreoretinal specialist and assistant professor of ophthalmology at Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner College of Medicine. A lot of conditions can be prevented with regular exams with an ophthalmologist and … [Read more...] about Are You at Risk for Any of These 5 Sight-Robbing Eye Conditions?
The 5 Best Diets to Help Manage Your Weight After 50
Hoping to lose weight this year? 45 million Americans are right there with you. Here’s what you need to know to do it right. Who hasn’t been tempted to jump-start a new year by embarking on one of those popular “miracle” diets that are all over the news? Not so fast! Turns out that many fad diets eliminate entire food groups and may lack essential nutrients necessary for good health … [Read more...] about The 5 Best Diets to Help Manage Your Weight After 50
7 Common Activities That May Be Damaging Your Eyes (and How to Stop)
You’re protecting your eyes from the sun, but do you know about these other dangers? “Although some causes of vision loss can’t be prevented, many can be avoided by taking simple precautions,” says Jeffrey Goshe, M.D., an ophthalmologist at Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute. Read about 7 ways to protect your eyes at … [Read more...] about 7 Common Activities That May Be Damaging Your Eyes (and How to Stop)
Keep Your Eyes Healthy With These Common Vision Changes
Along with the wrinkles, graying hair and creaky joints that often come with age, there’s another certainty: changes in your vision. It’s normal for most people, as they grow older, to have small changes in their vision, such as difficulty seeing while driving at night, problems focusing on objects close up and an increased sensitivity to glare. But Rishi Singh, M.D., a retina specialist at the … [Read more...] about Keep Your Eyes Healthy With These Common Vision Changes
Protect Your Peepers: 6 Easy Ways to Help Keep Your Eyes Healthy
You only have one pair of eyes, so keeping them healthy should be a top priority. Besides getting regular exams, feast your eyes on these six cool ways to maintain good vision. Read about 6 ways to keep your eyes healthy on … [Read more...] about Protect Your Peepers: 6 Easy Ways to Help Keep Your Eyes Healthy