If you read my last post, Closet Cleaning 101, then chances are – maybe? – you've attacked your closet and gotten rid of what you don't need or no longer wear. I have semi-attacked mine, stopping short when the difficulty of parting with certain so-called "important" items became too distressing. Insert echoes of "But it might come back into style!!!" here. I should know better. And, … [Read more...] about Your Wardrobe Essentials Shopping List
Closet Cleaning 101
Lately I find myself wanting to rid myself of a lot of clothing in my closet. Maybe it's because it's a new year. Or maybe because by this time, I've finally embraced the whole quality over quantity thing. Besides, it is altogether true that there is truth to that 80/20 rule - you wear 20 percent of your clothing 80 percent of the time – so who needs all those … [Read more...] about Closet Cleaning 101
Why I Love My Jeans
Sitting on my table, untouched, is the September issue of Vogue magazine. It’s been there for so long I’m convinced there has to be something growing under it. I used to look forward to reading Vogue. No longer. For one, this issue is so heavy it’s impossible to pick up. (It weighs a whopping 4 pounds 10 ounces). And for another, I no longer need Vogue magazine to tell me what to wear. I … [Read more...] about Why I Love My Jeans
Why I’m Not Giving Up My Skinny Jeans
Have you heard or read about the latest fashion-is-bad-for-your-health fiasco? Apparently, skinny jeans are new health hazard - especially if you squat in them. In case you missed it (and it was really hard to miss it, since it was recently ALL over the news), a 35-year-old skinny jean-wearing woman in Australia was taken to the emergency room and had to have her jeans cut off of her. After … [Read more...] about Why I’m Not Giving Up My Skinny Jeans
Overheard in the Shoe Department
Although my sister and mom both live within driving distance - an hour and two hours away, respectively (that's on a good day when the traffic gods cooperate. When they don't, well, all bets are off), our schedules don't allow us to get together too often. This past Saturday when hubby was out of town with our boys - their way-delayed annual father's day overnight - mom, Lynne and I had our … [Read more...] about Overheard in the Shoe Department
Ten Things I’d Change If I Were in Charge Of the Midlife World…
My boys, when they were teenagers, used to say "If I were in charge of the world, here's what I'd do." It usually translated to things like: Eliminate homework Drink soda for breakfast Never make my bed and Play video games all day without mom yelling at me to get-outside-and-get-some-fresh-air! Well, now it's my turn. There are so many things about this so-called midlife I embrace and … [Read more...] about Ten Things I’d Change If I Were in Charge Of the Midlife World…
It’s a Foxcroft Celebration!
I love many things about being a writer. One is that I get to work from home. In my PJs, if I wish. Devoid of makeup or even clean hair. But that's the same thing that I sometimes hate about being a writer. After all, PJs and no makeup are all well and good...until it's 3PM and I realize I haven't showered or looked in the mirror or talked to anyone in person since the night before, when I said … [Read more...] about It’s a Foxcroft Celebration!
Giveaway Alert: Win a Pair of Women’s Shoes from Dr. Scholl’s Shoes! And they’re super-comfy, too.
Well, someone must have been listening. Just when my feet gave up the idea of being comfortable in just about anything BUT sneakers, a lovely email arrived in my inbox, offering to send me a pair of shoes from Dr. Scholl's new line of comfort footwear. It was tough to pick from the choices of adorable athletic shoes, boots and loafers, and after going back and forth, insisting to myself I needed … [Read more...] about Giveaway Alert: Win a Pair of Women’s Shoes from Dr. Scholl’s Shoes! And they’re super-comfy, too.
Shopping For Shoes Used to be Fun.
When did it become such a chore? I love shoes. My closet can attest to that. And I'm not alone: ShopSmart magazine conducted a poll of 1,009 women in the U.S. age 18 and older and found that they own an average of 17 pairs of shoes. As reported by PR Newswire: Over half of women (51%) own more than 10 pairs and 13 percent have over 30 pairs (not including athletic shoes). "Shoes never make … [Read more...] about Shopping For Shoes Used to be Fun.