Ever since menopause hit, your hair is thinning: With each new day, you wake up to more loose strands on your pillowcase. With every shower, you’re clearing more tangles of hair from the clogged drain. With every morning, more hair ends up in your brush. Nope, it’s not all in your head. If you're wondering, "Does menopause cause hair loss?," the answer is yes. More importantly, can … [Read more...] about How to Reverse Thinning Hair After Menopause
Big News! MySoCalledMidlife is Evolving Into Something New
Hello! It's been a long while since you last heard from me. I hope you are all staying well! Long story short...a pandemic happened and threw our lives into quite a tizzy. At the same time, I gave MySoCalledMidlife a makeover. It was time. Whew. A lot of changes.I'm excited about this change: MySoCalledMidlife has morphed into a new newsletter called thePause. As before, I'm still … [Read more...] about Big News! MySoCalledMidlife is Evolving Into Something New
Menopause and Panic Attacks: What’s the Connection?
Your hands tremble, your chest heaves, you're sweating and clammy and feel like you're having nervous breakdown or a heart attack. You feel out of control and detached from the world. (FYI, the chest pain from a panic attack usually feels like a sharp or stabbing, localized pain in the mid-chest area, while pain from a heart attack is usually a pressure or squeezing sensation that can radiate … [Read more...] about Menopause and Panic Attacks: What’s the Connection?
Seven Effective Ways to Deal With Menopause
It seems that lately, everyone is talking about menopause. Okay, not everyone, but the people I associate with. We're all of "that age:" either we've gone through it or we're presently going through it. And, as unreliable as memories can sometimes be, when it comes to menopause mine are crystal clear (even though my periods officially ended years ago in my early 50s): the hot flashes that … [Read more...] about Seven Effective Ways to Deal With Menopause
Menopause and Anxiety: The Connection
Menopause. Yes, it takes away your period - for good. And considering that the average number you've had in your lifetime hovers somewhere around 450, you might be happy to say buh-bye. But in return, menopause ushers in some other things you might not be so happy about: anxiety, depression, mood swings, panic attacks. That wild roller-coaster of high-pitched emotional craziness. If you … [Read more...] about Menopause and Anxiety: The Connection
Menopause, Bloating, Hair Loss, Friends and Cellulite
Greetings – remember me?? I write that because it’s been a long while since I’ve posted here - and that old saying, “Out of sight, out of mind” scares me a bit. I hate to lose whatever momentum I’ve gained since starting this blog back in 2012 (has it really been that long??). So, thanks for sticking with me! As I write this post, I realize I’ve been a bit, well…absent lately. Short … [Read more...] about Menopause, Bloating, Hair Loss, Friends and Cellulite
Menopause and Vaginal Dryness
I'm not going to beat around the bush. (Okay, I realize that is a not-so-funny pun.) Why not get right to the point? Menopause brings many changes, and one of the peskiest being a change in the way your vagina feels, which can lead to itchiness, dryness, irritation (which can even lead to bleeding), and trouble with intercourse. It's just no fun getting old. But hey, at least we have loads … [Read more...] about Menopause and Vaginal Dryness
How’s Your Pelvic Health?
HEALTH STATISTIC(S) OF THE DAY More than one-third of U.S. women suffer from pelvic floor disorder, or PFD. About 377,000 are reported to have had surgery (as of 20102) for the disorder, with those numbers expected to climb significantly over the next several decades. During their lifetime, approximately one in 11 women will have surgery to address pelvic floor issues, says women's health … [Read more...] about How’s Your Pelvic Health?
Menopause and Anxiety (Revisited)
DOES THIS SOUND VAGUELY FAMILIAR? ..."Crippling anxiety, sleep issues, panic attacks, lack of energy, weight gain, intense sweating, no sex drive dry hair and brittle nails." – Just a few of the 219 comments expressed by women from around the globe in response to a 2011 blog I wrote titled, "Menopause and Anxiety" for HealthyWomen.org. It turns out anxiety is not the only thing about … [Read more...] about Menopause and Anxiety (Revisited)
The Truth About Your Post-Menopausal Body
Going through menopause means a lot of things to a lot of women. While many parts of the “transition” are individual (for instance, my sister suffered nary a hot flash while I was continually bathed in sweat), one universal truth is this: our bodies change. Yes, unfair, especially when you consider that’s just one set of problems added to the long list of other changes, like sleep disturbances, … [Read more...] about The Truth About Your Post-Menopausal Body