It’s easy to dig into food that is in front of you, especially if it’s the kind that you love and crave .
For me, that’s anything sweet. I can easily ignore the savory, salty stuff, but cookies, pies and cakes?
Not so much.
To save you some unwanted pounds, too-tight pants, mindless eating and that overall awful feeling of regret (AKA “self-loathing”), here are some helpful tips, brought to you from the American Academy of Family Physicians.
Consider them the adult equivalent of a time out (AKA “get a grip”).
- Ask yourself whether you truly are hungry or if you are eating to fulfill another need, such as stress or boredom?
- Don’t look at some foods as off limits. Instead look at what you eat as part of a healthy diet that includes balance and moderation.
- Discuss with your doctor a healthy eating plan and the issues of food and weight loss.
- Use a food and activity journal to monitor your eating habits — including what you eat and when.
Jennifer Margulis says
So hard for me to do during the holidays. I just can’t seem to avoid those chocolate covered coffee beans, caramels, candy canes. UGH!
SherylK says
Yes, holidays are especially challenging. But they move on….and we hopefully do, too.
Alexandra says
I had never thought of keeping a journal on what I eat. I gain weight in winter, when it’s harder to exercise. I used to snack on organic carrots. Will have to get back to that once the holidays are over.
SherylK says
That reminds me, I should do the same. I used to keep bags full of cut-up carrots and celery. Time to do that again!
Vera Marie Badertscher says
As I sit here eating a cookie, and thinking “I could eat these like potato chips.” I need to think, “Either the cookies will still be here tomorrow, or the blob of fat on my belly will be bigger.”
SherylK says
You made me laugh, Vera. So, which won out?
merr says
Mindful eating. Always the right choice.
Irene S. Levine says
Keeping a journal really works if you keep it 🙂
MyKidsEatSquid says
I had such good intentions for the holidays but we had a big snowfall (well, two) that kept me from going to the gym as often as I’d like. I figured that shoveling the snow would burn calories, but then of course you have to have hot chocolate after you’re done
SherylK says
Nothing better than hot chocolate to warm you up, I agree. But at least you got outside and I”m sure that activity counted for a lot!
Donna Hull says
I like the idea of keeping a food/activity journal. Mindless eating gets me in trouble.
Also, for Alexandra: if you are gaining weight in the winter, it could be a Vitamin D deficiency. Have you read Alisa Bowman’s book, “The 7 Day Slim Down” which focuses on increasing Vitamin D in your diet?
ruth pennebaker says
Thanks for the reminder to be mindful — especially after weeks of mindlessness. Truth is, I’m always glad when the holidays and their excesses are over.
SherylK says
I can’t agree with you more, Ruth. Especially since it feels like the holidays start *earlier and earlier each year.