While my children were growing up, I insisted on cooking most nights. Ever the health-conscious mother, I knew that my meals would be more nutritious than takeout, even though during the busy sports and after-school activity season, the convenience of pulling into a parking lot and ordering through a microphone would have made my life so much easier (and probably would have made my boys much … [Read more...] about Five Steps to a Healthier Meal While Dining Out
In Defense of Eating Right
In my last post, I suggested things that might be able to keep you at a good, healthy weight. In case you’re wondering if they were just a figment of my imagination, I’m here to tell you the answer. No, they’re not. There are good, legit reasons they work. Eating right is a delicate balance. You want to eat enough to nourish and fill you up, but not so much so that you gain excess weight. … [Read more...] about In Defense of Eating Right
Why Using Sunscreen Is Not Enough
I look forward with anticipation to the warmer weather all year long, even more so when we have extreme seasons like we did this past winter. In the summertime I feel freer, happier and more at peace. While many will disagree that 80 degrees Fahrenheit is a comfortable temperature, it's the perfect one for me. But now that the warm weather looks like it's dug in its heels, I'm remembering that as … [Read more...] about Why Using Sunscreen Is Not Enough
Five Easy Ways to Take Good Care of Yourself
In just a few days, hubby and I are taking off for Italy (so excited!), our first big vacation together in many years (did I mention that I'm so excited?) Although I've been fortunate enough to travel to some great places recently, he has not. That's what happens when you are too busy to get away. And did I mention that not getting away is making someone very, very cranky and stressed? Don't tell … [Read more...] about Five Easy Ways to Take Good Care of Yourself
Be Kind, Give and Be Happy (and healthy!)
I was so happy the other day when I chose the two winners to the ThinOptics giveaway and promptly got two enthusiastic and grateful responses. (Apologies to those of you who didn't win - but I promise I'll be doing more great giveaways in the near future!) Phoebe Graber, of inmomopause, wrote: Yipee! It's been ages since I've won anything! And I heard this from Dee Margolis, who, by the way, … [Read more...] about Be Kind, Give and Be Happy (and healthy!)
It’s a Reading Glasses Giveaway!
It’s the rare – and lucky - boomer who can get away without needing reading glasses. These are the years when our near-range vision goes blurry. Called presbyopia, it's the progressive deterioration of near vision that you find you're losing around the age of 45. And since I’m the rule, rather than the exception, over the years I’ve managed to build up quite an inventory of reading … [Read more...] about It’s a Reading Glasses Giveaway!
The Test That Saves Lives
If you knew there was strong evidence that colonoscopies save lives, would you be more encouraged to go and get this feared and sometimes dreaded test? Only about half of people recommended for colonoscopies go ahead and actually get them. (You know who you are.) March is colon cancer awareness month. And just as I've procrastinated about writing about it (got in just under the wire!) you … [Read more...] about The Test That Saves Lives
Is Surrender and Acceptance the Same?
Seems that in this so-called midlife I've been fighting surrender on a lot of fronts. But lately, I’ve been at the losing end. For instance, I have a bum left knee. I first realized something was wrong a little over ten years ago, while visiting Paris. It was my first European trip and I was determined not to let anything ruin it. Not the torrential rain we had. Not the record cold … [Read more...] about Is Surrender and Acceptance the Same?
7 Things a trip to Mexico taught me
Last week, Alan and I went on a much-needed vacation to Mexico. Although it was only January, the winter was already wreaking havoc with my mood. I got through each day of bitter cold temperatures and snow by telling myself, "Well... at least you'll be getting away to some sunshine and warmth soon." Well-stocked with plenty of sunblock, my kindle loaded with books, I was ready. I even bought new … [Read more...] about 7 Things a trip to Mexico taught me
The Secret to Being Happy
How were your holidays? Hopefully full of fun and good cheer. But I know that's not the way for everyone. Some of it might be forced cheer. Maybe you're tired of putting on a happy face. Maybe happiness is just...overrated. Why try so hard? Click on over to my other blog on healthywomen.org, where I let you in on a secret. And please do me a special favor? Feel free to ignore my … [Read more...] about The Secret to Being Happy