Hello! It's been a long while since you last heard from me. I hope you are all staying well! Long story short...a pandemic happened and threw our lives into quite a tizzy. At the same time, I gave MySoCalledMidlife a makeover. It was time. Whew. A lot of changes.I'm excited about this change: MySoCalledMidlife has morphed into a new newsletter called thePause. As before, I'm still … [Read more...] about Big News! MySoCalledMidlife is Evolving Into Something New
Dry Skin and Menopause
When I was younger, the skin on my face was always slick with oil. And as only an adolescent girl can do, I let it get me down. Each time I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I'd recoil at that shiny reflection looking back at me. Of course, now, being in this so-called midlife, I wish there had been - along with that glimpse - a voice of reason to calm me. If there had been, it might have … [Read more...] about Dry Skin and Menopause
What’s Getting in the Way of Your Weight Loss?
If you're planning once again to make some New Year's Resolutions, but tired of making the same ones over and over and over again, here's something for you: A dive into what's getting in the way of your desire to shed some pounds. Because sometimes, you need to silence your inner critic from telling you that you have no self- control... and finally find the truth behind it all. Pain. Chronic … [Read more...] about What’s Getting in the Way of Your Weight Loss?
Menopause and Anxiety (Revisited)
DOES THIS SOUND VAGUELY FAMILIAR? ..."Crippling anxiety, sleep issues, panic attacks, lack of energy, weight gain, intense sweating, no sex drive dry hair and brittle nails." – Just a few of the 219 comments expressed by women from around the globe in response to a 2011 blog I wrote titled, "Menopause and Anxiety" for HealthyWomen.org. It turns out anxiety is not the only thing about … [Read more...] about Menopause and Anxiety (Revisited)
The Truth About Your Post-Menopausal Body
Going through menopause means a lot of things to a lot of women. While many parts of the “transition” are individual (for instance, my sister suffered nary a hot flash while I was continually bathed in sweat), one universal truth is this: our bodies change. Yes, unfair, especially when you consider that’s just one set of problems added to the long list of other changes, like sleep disturbances, … [Read more...] about The Truth About Your Post-Menopausal Body
Menopause and Anxiety
Why do some women going through menopause feel like they're out of control, irritable, short- fused and just plain crazy? And why do others pass through seamlessly with nary a hot flash or mood swing? Back in 2005, when blogging was still fairly new, I created the blog, Midlife Matters. As a health writer, I was excited about sharing accurate and timely health information in an intimate … [Read more...] about Menopause and Anxiety
Menopause and Anxiety – A Connection?
Note: I'm bringing you this post from my other blog, MidlifeMatters, which runs on healthywomen.org. It first hit the website in 2011, and attracted lots of eyeballs and comments. And a lot of women were relieved and comforted, feeling like "it" was not all in their head. (Midlife Dictionary: It (used to represent a vague sense of unease, only understood by women of a certain age, about to be … [Read more...] about Menopause and Anxiety – A Connection?
Dealing with Hot Flashes in the Heat
Now that the heat of the summer is engulfing many parts of the country, it's not as easy to find immediate relief from those hormonal waves of sweat. And hot weather is a big hot flash trigger. Many of course look into getting an air conditioning sydney company to fit their house with much-needed temperature control and prevent the heat from getting to them. But when one is out for fun or for work … [Read more...] about Dealing with Hot Flashes in the Heat