You might not think much about your period. Until it plays games with you, that is. One month it’s normal; the next it’s barely there (or not there at all). It’s then that you might begin to think not only about your period — but about menopause. Menopause is a significant event in a woman’s life and a normal part of the aging process, marking the end of your reproductive years. But it doesn’t … [Read more...] about What are the 3 Stages of Menopause?
How Women’s Heart Attack Symptoms Are Different Than Men’s
Here's some good news for all of you who received dark chocolate for Valentine's Day: You're eating something that is heart healthy. The flavonoids found in dark chocolate are friendly to your vascular health and can lower blood pressure, improve blood flow to your brain and heart and make blood platelets less sticky and able to clot. But while you're munching on your chocolate (and not too … [Read more...] about How Women’s Heart Attack Symptoms Are Different Than Men’s
Are You at Risk for Any of These 5 Sight-Robbing Eye Conditions?
Many Americans fear losing their sight more than they fear cancer, stroke or heart disease. And many don’t know the symptoms of major eye conditions and diseases, says Aleksandra Rachitskaya, M.D., vitreoretinal specialist and assistant professor of ophthalmology at Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner College of Medicine. A lot of conditions can be prevented with regular exams with an ophthalmologist and … [Read more...] about Are You at Risk for Any of These 5 Sight-Robbing Eye Conditions?
How to Ditch Dieting for Good
Year in, year out, people diet. A lot of people—that number is estimated to be 45 million. And since we're talking numbers, Americans invest about $33 billion each year on weight-loss products. Then why are nearly two-thirds of Americans overweight or obese? Clearly, too many people are losing their battles. Dieting may help them lose weight, but one thing it doesn't do is help them keep the … [Read more...] about How to Ditch Dieting for Good
The 5 Best Diets to Help Manage Your Weight After 50
Hoping to lose weight this year? 45 million Americans are right there with you. Here’s what you need to know to do it right. Who hasn’t been tempted to jump-start a new year by embarking on one of those popular “miracle” diets that are all over the news? Not so fast! Turns out that many fad diets eliminate entire food groups and may lack essential nutrients necessary for good health … [Read more...] about The 5 Best Diets to Help Manage Your Weight After 50
5 Surprising Things That May Be Sabotaging Your Memory
People are twice as fearful of losing their mental ability as their physical ability. What's that word again? What did I come in here to do? I know her...but can't think of her name. You're not alone if you mutter one or more of these phrases on an hourly/daily/weekly basis. And by now, you might be thinking that memory loss and age are two peas in a pod. Well, yes. And, no. Read more … [Read more...] about 5 Surprising Things That May Be Sabotaging Your Memory
How to Ditch Dieting for Good
Year in, year out, people diet. A lot of people--that number is estimated to be 45 million. And since we're talking numbers, Americans invest about $33 billion each year on weight-loss products. Then why are nearly two-thirds of Americans overweight or obese? Clearly, too many people are losing their battles. Dieting may help them lose weight, but one thing it doesn't do is help them keep … [Read more...] about How to Ditch Dieting for Good
7 Common Activities That May Be Damaging Your Eyes (and How to Stop)
You’re protecting your eyes from the sun, but do you know about these other dangers? “Although some causes of vision loss can’t be prevented, many can be avoided by taking simple precautions,” says Jeffrey Goshe, M.D., an ophthalmologist at Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute. Read about 7 ways to protect your eyes at … [Read more...] about 7 Common Activities That May Be Damaging Your Eyes (and How to Stop)
Keep Your Eyes Healthy With These Common Vision Changes
Along with the wrinkles, graying hair and creaky joints that often come with age, there’s another certainty: changes in your vision. It’s normal for most people, as they grow older, to have small changes in their vision, such as difficulty seeing while driving at night, problems focusing on objects close up and an increased sensitivity to glare. But Rishi Singh, M.D., a retina specialist at the … [Read more...] about Keep Your Eyes Healthy With These Common Vision Changes
What Netflix, Cisco and others are doing to support stressed-out working parents
Netflix, Cisco, Intuit and other employers are recognizing the value of parental leave policies for recruitment and retention and are supplementing existing benefits or creating new ones. Today 72% of moms are employed, either full-time or part-time. Of these, 55% have children younger than 18, according to a 2019 Pew Research Center analysis. Yet many U.S. companies don’t go beyond the … [Read more...] about What Netflix, Cisco and others are doing to support stressed-out working parents